Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions About PT(3)

We understand that you may have questions about our services and how we can help you achieve your physical therapy goals.

Do you accept insurance?
As a concierge Doctor of Physical Therapy, to provide the highest quality of care possible, I do not accept insurance. We are considered an out of network provider with all insurance companies.
Is concierge Physical therapy expensive?
How do patients save time and money with concierge therapy?
How much does physical therapy cost without insurance in Florida?
Can I see a physical therapist without referral in Florida?
How much does the average person spend on physical therapy?

Questions For Us (3)

Our team is always available to answer your questions and provide you with the support you need.

Can you do adjustments?
Yes, our doctors us a non-aggressive approach to postural and spinal adjustments. We utilize pro-adjustor methods which involves light mobilizations on the spine to correct spinal issues. In addition to a series of postural movements to then help stabilize the spine and hips.
How long are the sessions?
What is your typical process of working with new clients?